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Since January 2022, the RWA has billed water service and PipeSafe on a monthly schedule. Previously, billing was on a quarterly basis. Monthly billing gives you more predictability in your budget and opportunities to conserve water. It also aligns with the schedule of most other utility bills that you already receive, making your monthly budget that much simpler to manage.
Monthly bills provide more timely information about your water use. Rather than receiving a bill for three months of water use on a quarterly basis, we split those bills into monthly charges. This allows for more consistency in budgeting for your home or business.
Monthly billing also results in less fluctuation in amounts on your bills, particularly during heavy use periods. Monthly billing allows you to see the gradual changes in your water use over the course of the year. It makes it less likely that your billing amounts change drastically between periods, helping you predict future bills and better manage your budget.
Monthly billing helps you notice unusual water use more quickly, enabling you to you identify leaks or water conservation opportunities. In addition to seeing the amount of usage billed, you are able to see your monthly water use displayed on a graph printed on your bill. Receiving this update on your water use once a month instead of once a quarter can help you better understand your water consumption, and if you feel you are using too much, it will help you identify opportunities to conserve.
One of the most common causes of an unexpected increase in water use is a leak in your home plumbing. A dripping faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year. With monthly billing you are able to more quickly identify unexpected changes in water use, which could mean a leak in your home. This allows for a quicker repair and less wasted water, which allowing you to save money and the environment.
Since January 2022, the RWA has billed water service and PipeSafe on a monthly schedule. Previously, billing was on a quarterly basis. Monthly billing gives you more predictability in your budget and opportunities to conserve water. It also aligns with the schedule of most other utility bills that you already receive, making your monthly budget that much simpler to manage.
Monthly bills provide more timely information about your water use. Rather than receiving a bill for three months of water use on a quarterly basis, we split those bills into monthly charges. This allows for more consistency in budgeting for your home or business.
Monthly billing also results in less fluctuation in amounts on your bills, particularly during heavy use periods. Monthly billing allows you to see the gradual changes in your water use over the course of the year. It makes it less likely that your billing amounts change drastically between periods, helping you predict future bills and better manage your budget.
Monthly billing helps you notice unusual water use more quickly, enabling you to you identify leaks or water conservation opportunities. In addition to seeing the amount of usage billed, you are able to see your monthly water use displayed on a graph printed on your bill. Receiving this update on your water use once a month instead of once a quarter can help you better understand your water consumption, and if you feel you are using too much, it will help you identify opportunities to conserve.
One of the most common causes of an unexpected increase in water use is a leak in your home plumbing. A dripping faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year. With monthly billing you are able to more quickly identify unexpected changes in water use, which could mean a leak in your home. This allows for a quicker repair and less wasted water, which allowing you to save money and the environment.