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Online Payment Is Temporarily Unavailable

Online payment options are temporarily unavailable as we prepare to launch our new customer platform. Payments can still be made by mail, via your bank's bill-payment service, or at our New Haven drop box, 90 Sargent Drive. Online payment and expanded self-service options will return when we launch our new customer account platform on April 2. We appreciate your patience.


Service Line Inventory Map

Our service line inventory map is now live. Customers can search for their address in the map to learn if their property might have a water service line that contains lead.

Click here to access the map.


RWA Issues Precautionary Boil Water Advisory

for Certain Streets in Branford

Please click here for more information


Explore our Products & Services


Our PipeSafe Programs provide peace of mind from unexpected repair costs associated with leaks, breaks and blockages with water, sewer/septic lines on your property and in-home plumbing. PipeSafe service-arrow


Our WellSafe Protection Plans provide professional service for your well water needs and safeguard your home and budget against expensive maintenance, repairs, and water system failures for pennies a day. WellSafe service-arrow


Nature’s wonderland is waiting to be discovered on RWA watershed lands. You can jog, hike, bike, cross-country ski, and stream and lake fish. All it takes is an affordable Recreation Permit. Explore More service-arrow